What is Advokatguiden

Advokatguiden features many lawyers in Denmark and allows users to review them.

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Advokatguiden features many lawyers in Denmark and allows users to review them.

What is Advokatguiden

Find, compare and easily contact Lawyers

A different way to find a lawyer

By legal expertise, location and just name, there are multiple ways to find the lawyer you need on Advokatguiden.

Compare lawyers

We allow users to write reviews about lawyers. Every review is verfified by our team to ensure the best quality and a trustful platform.

Get in touch with a lawyer

Either by sending a message, or filling our direct demands form, you can easily get in touch with a lawyer and get the legal help you need.

Find a lawyer, read reviews, send a message or discover more about this lawyer.

Advokatguiden shows you lawyers in Denmark. The profiles are all listed after a verification from us to ensure we have the best lawyer index possible. On each lawyer profile, you can find their contact information, their legal expertise and read reviews about them. Easily get in touch by sending a message or calling their phone number."

Find and compare lawyers

Read and write reviews

Get in touch with a lawyer

Find a lawyer, read reviews, send a message or discover more about this lawyer.

Describe your need, fill out our form and receive a free, non binding offer from lawyers online.

If you don't know which lawyer to call, or just want to receive several offers, you can ask to get offer from our lawyers on Advokatguiden. Your demand will be transferred to our partner lawyers and are ready to work with you. Receive a free and non binding offer by mail or phone call and choose which lawyer fits the best to your needs and budget. In average, we try to send your request to up to 4 lawyers to give you the largest choice possible.

Describe what legal help you need

Get contacted directly by lawyers

Compare offers and choose the best for you

Describe your need, fill out our form and receive a free, non binding offer from lawyers online.

Receive a free, non-binding offer from different lawyers around you listed on Advokatguiden

Advokatguiden works in collaboration with selected lawyers to ensure that you only receive quality offers that match what you are looking for.

100% free

100% free

The offers you’ll receive are completely free and are part of the lawyer’s services.

Non-binding offer

Non-binding offer

You can choose to accept one of the offers or ask to receive more offers.

Compare lawyers

Compare lawyers

You'll receive offers from up to 3 lawyers and can choose the one that fits you best.

Request the help of a lawyer

These information are only transferred to lawyers that can help you, and nothing else. We don’t share your data with external services.

100% free

100% free

The offers you’ll receive are completely free and are part of the lawyer’s services.

Non-binding offer

Non-binding offer

You can choose to accept one of the offers or ask to receive more offers.

Compare lawyers

Compare lawyers

You'll receive offers from up to 3 lawyers and can choose the one that fits you best.